The 2021 Chicago Marathon: Race Recap

Wow, after almost two years am I really getting to write about a marathon again!? This whole trip feels a little surreal, but I’m so happy to be returning to racing again - and I’m especially glad that it’s for the Chicago marathon, since I’ve been waiting to run it since 2019. Those of you that have been around for a while May remember that while training in 2019 I took a bad side step on a treadmill, and wound up with patellar tracking disorder in my left knee, which pulled the plug on my marathon plans. 

But this time I made it through training, even if there were a few small hiccups. I had to slow down a bit about two months ago, when I just couldn’t hit the paces on my quality runs anymore, after weeks of them going well. Combine that and some dizziness when standing, and I headed to my doctors office. After some blood work, I found out that I was borderline anemic, which explained the fatigue and dizziness. I started taking an iron supplement, and started feeling better just in time to taper. So while it may not be my fastest race, I’m excited that I at least made it to the starting line. 

We flew to Chicago on Saturday morning, so of course I ran around a bit Friday night. When I got out of work Sophie and I went for one last shakeout run, ending at my parents house. Sophie picked up supplies for a pasta dinner send off, and dad prepped the meal while we were running. We had pasta, meatballs, garlic bread, and some caprese salad.  I took a page out of Becs gentry’s book, and treated myself to a glass of wine with the meal. 

After dinner dennis and I had to make a quick pit stop at BJ’s, and then headed home so I could get all of my marathon supplies together. While I had gathered everything I needed into one room (for the most part), I still needed to physically put it into a bag. The biggest decision was designating a “race day” outfit - I had three all laid out as I tried to make a choice. 

By the time I was done packing my bags were stuffed to the brim, but I managed to keep it to carryons. I really did not want to check a bag for a two day trip, even if said trip did include a marathon. I had taken the time earlier in the week to embroider a few “Chicago 26.2” masks, and took a little time to sew them together before getting into bed - nothing like leaving a project until the last minute, right?

Our alarms went off too early on Saturday morning, and our cats were a little annoyed as we got out of bed. We crammed all of our chargers into our luggage, and waited for our Uber driver to pick us up and take us to the airport. 

We were flying out of LaGuardia, much to Dennis’s grumbles about it. That airport is in a constant state of construction, which can make driving around it a bit difficult. But lucky for us, we had a ride. 


It was our first time at LGA since the new security area opened, and we got through it seamlessly. We headed to our gate to wait for the flight to board. I knew that I am not great at eating enough on travel days, so ordered a smoothie while we were at the airport, since I knew it was important to be well fueled the day before a marathon. The joke was on me though - I am so used to making my own dairy-free smoothies at home that it did not even occur to me to make sure the one I ordered had no dairy - but I found out rather quickly once I started drinking it. I was able to sort myself out well enough before getting on the plane, but it was a less than ideal start to the day.

When we landed in Chicago we ordered a lyft to get a ride to our hotel. There were options for public transit, but since we had all of our luggage we decided it would just be easier in a car. As we made our way through the city my excitement for the race grew, as I got glimpses of landmarks I knew we would spot during the marathon.

By the time we got to the hotel I was dizzy with motion sickness. Between the plane and the car I felt like I was spinning. I usually take Dramamine on flights, but had opted not to this time - which was apparently a mistake. I took one at the hotel, hoping it would help a little at least. 

We were too early to check into our room, but were able to leave our luggage there while we headed to the expo. I needed to get some food in me ASAP, so we went to the McDonalds right across the street- not the best thing to eat the day before the marathon, but I knew that their breakfast sandwiches usually sit fine with me. By the time we were done eating the meds had kicked in, and I felt much better. 

The next plan was to head to the expo. Den really wanted to walk, but I couldn’t justify that long of a walk the day before a marathon. So we took the subway, which was surprisingly easy to navigate. I didn’t even go a station in the wrong direction, like I pretty much do every time I take the subway in NYC. 

It was a quick ride and then a short walk to the expo. Approaching the building it didn’t seem too crowded - and then we got inside and saw the winding line of runners. There was even a whole giant room just of winding lines! It took us about 45 minutes from when we got on line to get into the expo. When we finally got to the entrance they checked our covid vaccine cards and gave us bracelets, which we were told to keep on for the duration of the weekend. 
Once we got inside the expo if didn’t feel too crowded, and there were a few rows of vendors to go through. First things first, we headed for the bib pickup. They checked my ID and scanned my QR code, and directed me to a table. It was a quick and easy process. From there we were able to go and get my race shirt, and then walked through the many tables. 

I didn’t buy much - I was surprised at  the lack of marathon specific merch. Nike didn’t even have the finisher gear available to buy - you had to go to their store or order it online! I did pick up some throwaway jackets for NYC that were only $5 (I didn’t plan to bring throwaway layers to Chicago, as temps would start in the 70s that morning), a saucony marathon shirt, a pair of oofos, and some assorted freebies. The Bank of America was handing out posters with the course map on them, which were really nice! 

Once we left the expo we headed back towards the hotel, and chose a ramen restaurant near by to eat lunch at. Dennis really like to try a ramen place at any city we visit (his running favorite is still San Francisco), so it was on our list of places to eat. Had I eaten ramen the day before my longest training run to see how it would sit? YUP. This may be the most prepared my stomach had ever been. 

By the time we were done eating our hotel room was ready, and we were planning to have a chill night in so I could stay off my feet as much as possible. We watched Jurassic park and the beginning of hocus pocus, and I ate a dinner consisting of crackers, tuna, and mac and cheese - I know, not the best pre-marathon meal, but I was too nervous about unknown food at that point to try to order takeout from somewhere. Before bed I took my time setting up all my gear for the following mornings race. 

We were both pooped from the long day of travel, and were very happy with an early bedtime. 

On race morning Den and I left the hotel a little after 5:30, since the race documentation recommended that wave two runners get to the start area by 6 am. We opted to walk to the start - it was less than a mile and we were sure plenty of runners would be heading in the same direction. 

As we left the hotel and other runner joined us, who happened to be from Long Island too! We chatted with her as we made our way to the start, and parted ways when we passed a Dunkin doughnuts and she popped in for coffee. 

Dennis and I said goodbye at the edge of grant park, since at that point the street was full of runners. He headed back to the hotel, and I headed into the start area. Not gonna lie, at this point I was already ready to cry! I was just so happy to be at a race like this again. It felt like coming home after a crazy two years. 

The Chicago marathon doesn’t allow any open bottles to come into the start area, so I had to dump the nuun I was drinking - I had prepared for this though, and had the powder to make another drink and a closed bottle to mix it with. I usually carry my clear gear bag within a drawstring backpack, and today was no exception. When it’s time for security I just dump the contents from the drawstring to the clear bag, and throw the drawstring into my checked bag - but they actually made me dispose of the drawstring at security, which surprised me. 

Chicago is a “world marathon major,” just like NYC, so leading up to race day I anticipated that getting to the start area and the start area itself would be just as intense as NYC. I had even googled “Chicago marathon start village” at least a dozen times, and was shocked that I could not find more details about it. Well runners, if that is the info that you came here looking for, I must report that the start is much more laid back than NYC. Sure, there are a lot of people. But at no point did it feel chaotic. I walked into the start, and easily navigated my way through everything.

The corrals were right after security, but I kept following the stream of runners that were going further into grant park, since I needed to find a bathroom and gear check. I found a row of porter potties quickly, that somehow had no line!? It felt like a race morning miracle. 

But imagine my surprise as the unit rocked as I stepped into it - and promptly stepped out. I didn’t need to fall into that “WHAT IF IT TIPS” thought spiral. I found another, more stable unit to take care of business in. 

It felt too early to get into the corrals, so I kept following the flow of runners and headed further into the park. I kept walking and eventually found my bag check area, and plopped down near the fountain to hang out for a while before the race. I didn’t have to been in my corral until 7:45, and I had more than an hour to kill. 

I watched as the sun slowly came up, but thanks to an overcast sky, there was no grand sunrise on race morning. I hoped that the cloud coverage would last through the race, because they were projecting temps in the high 70s. More runners rolled into the start area as I sat and waited. 

Eventually I decided to try to hit the bathroom one more time, and was greeted by the very long porter potty lines that I had expected the first time around. It was a little after 7 am when I got in line, and I still had to check my bag and make it to my corral before 7:45, so I watched the clock as I waited in line. 

After I finally made it to the bathroom, right around 7:40, I loaded my pockets with race day supplies - manly fuel and body glide - as I jogged to check my bag, which was really just a charger for post race, in-case my phone died while I was running, since it’s four years old and has less than stellar battery life. 

I made it into my corral just before 7:45, and soon after we started moving forward as the 8:00 start time for wave 2 got closer. It was surreal to be in a corral with so many people! 

I was half crying with happiness as we approached the start line, and I had to collect myself before it was time to get moving. I tried to take in the moment, and really appreciate being there. 

I went over the start line, and was just so happy. I told myself to not get caught up in the crowd, and run my pace. There were already crowds lining the street, and we went right into a tunnel. I had set my garmin to manual laps, since I had heard that the GPS has issues in Chicago, and at mile marker one my garmin had accumulated an extra 0.25 miles - confirming the GPS issue. 
At the start of the event the status was “yellow” because of the weather. The temps were in the low 70s and it was humid, but at least there was cloud coverage as we made our way through the streets of Chicago. I snapped a few photos as we went through the early miles, doing my best to take up every moment. I kept yo-yoing with a guy dressed as a banana, and it was fun to hear the crowd call out to him. 

Things went well for the first few miles, and I really enjoyed the crowds as I headed through Chicago. I spotted dennis at mile 3, when we ran by our hotel. He headed to mile 13, where I would spot him again. By mile 5 I could feel the impact of the weather, and started taking two waters at the aid station, to try to stay on top of my hydration. 

I kept moving forward, and by the time I hit mile 10 I knew I wasn’t getting enough fluids. I texted Dennis, and asked him to pass me a bottle of water when I ran by. He was under a bridge, and I spotted him before he saw me. He handed me a water, and it took all my willpower not to immediately chug it. The weather didn’t feel that bad - most of the time it was breezy, but when we hit stagnant air it was suffocating. 

We crossed the River for a second time around the half way point, and I almost fell on my face - the had covered the grating on the bridge with a carpet, that I learned was not totally taught. I didn’t lift my foot enough with one step, and found myself stumbling and almost falling. I breathed a sigh of relief when I regained my balance, glad that I hadn’t taken a tumble.

I usually try to wait until after mile 20 of a marathon to take in Gatorade, but by mile 14 I knew I needed to start drinking electrolytes too. I tried to drink half a cup of Gatorade in addition to water at each aid station from there out, and when they gave us sponges around mile 15 it was so nice.  I also made a mid race decision to take an extra gel. 

The crowd support really kept me going - I was able to run non-stop until mile 17, but my hip was starting to hurt. Luckily I was able to stop and stretch it out and then keep running forward. But as the race progressed, I needed to stop to stretch more often. First at mile 17, then again at 19, and by mile 21 I wanted to walk so bad, but settled for a stretch. I somehow missed mile marker 22, and as I made my way to mile 23, my garmin distance read over 24 miles - I had started to hype myself up that there were only 2 miles left, and when I spotted 23 and realized there were actually 3 miles left, it was almost crushing. Mike 23 to 24 was a struggle, and felt longer than the whole race leading up to that point. 

At the aid station at mile 23 I made the decision to take a quick walk break - and learned that my hip felt even worst walking. I wanted to cry. I wanted to puke from the pain and exhaustion. But with the help of texts from my Dad and Sophie, encouraging me to keep going, to just put one foot in front of another. I ran, I walked, I stretched. It was the slowest mile of the race. But when I finally saw mile marker 25, I knew I could get to the end. 

I pushed myself to keep running. It was one mile more. I could run one more mile, especially since walking felt worst. Around 25.5 “who are you” shuffled onto my headphones, and I thought about everything I had gone through in the last year - I am a resilient person, not willing to let losses define me - and I was going to make it to the finish line. 

I turned the second to last corner and saw the 800m to go sign, at the top of a tiny hill. Suddenly Chicago didn’t feel like the “flat” race that everyone had told me it would be. But 800m is only two laps at the track. I could do 800m. 

I got over the hill, crossed the last corner, and a “fuck yes” slipped out of my mouth when I spotted the finish line. The end was in sight. I could do this. 400 m to go. I started to get choked up, and just focused on getting my breathing back to normal. 

At long last, I crossed the finish line. Every emotion flooded over me. The race that I was supposed to run in 2019 before I hurt my knee, the race I was supposed to run in 2020 before covid cancelled it, I had finally crossed that finish line I had been chasing for so long. 

A volunteer placed a medal around my neck, and I truly shuffled through the “extra mile” that they make you walk to get out of the finisher chute. I collected my drinks and snacks, including a beer that I wouldn’t drink, but would use as makeshift ice on my hip. 

Eventually I got out of the chute and back into grant park, and headed for the gear check. As I limped along a stranger offered me their lightly used bag of ice, and with much gratitude I accepted. I retrieved my bag from the gear check, and texted Dennis to let him know I needed to sit down and stretch for a few minutes before making my way out to him. 

I laid out my heat sheet and started stretching, and acquired another bag of lightly used ice from a passerby. Eventually I could hobble along without wanting to cry, and I got up and started making my way to the family reunion area. I found Den, and we sat for a few more minutes. I switched shoes, and he offer me his arm as we made our way back to the hotel. 

I felt defeated, but in the hours after the race that would shift to happiness. I had done it. I had crossed another marathon finish line. Something that really felt impossible to me at times in the year leading up to that race. 

After the walk back to the hotel I showered and used the massage gun on my hip, which helped it feel better. By the time we headed out for celebratory drinks at three dots and a dash, my hip felt tight, but didn’t hurt anymore. 

After dinner it was time for bed, and I was so fully of happiness. I had somehow already forgotten the anguish of mile 24. 

We were flying home on Monday, but before we headed out we made three stops - one at “the bean,” one at the Nike store for some finisher gear, and one for some “authentic” Chicago pizza. 

I can believe I get to do this all over again in NYC in a month!