Tips to make Virtual Races a Real Life Experience!

Disclaimer: I received an entry to the Virtual DC Wonder Woman Run and the Scooby Doo Run to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

The first race that I was registered for that fell victim to 2020 was the NYC United Airlines Half Marathon – my favorite race, which I had ran for the last three consecutive years. My friends and I constantly checked the NYRR website for an update, and we were shocked when the cancellation hit just days before the event was supposed to take place. At the time Corona cases were rising in NY, and it made sense to play it safe. We all agreed that losing the NYC half would make the Brooklyn half that much more exciting – surely the would would have returned to normal by May, right?

Well, spoiler alert – the world did not return to normal, and cancellations continued for the rest of the year. Local races, destination races, RunDisney events and world marathon major races all were cancelled, one after another. The first ones were disappointing, but eventually it just became almost expected. I was supposed to run both the NYC and the Chicago marathons this fall, and once those got cancelled, I found myself with a big race void, missing the end goal that my training usually works towards.

Prior to 2020, I had completed one virtual race – the 2018 Star Wars Light Side half marathon, as a part of the Kessell Run Challenge that RunDisney hosted. If we are being honest, it was the Millennium Falcon medal that you earned by completing the virtual and in person half marathons that convinced me to sign up. I guess you could say I am motivated by some good swag.

With typical races being cancelled for the most part, I have come to appreciate virtual races more than ever before – the flexibility of not having to wake up at the crack of dawn combined with a reward for finishing my miles has gotten me out the door when I was feeling less than motivated more than once this year.

I like to make my virtual races an experience – here are some of my favorite ways to make things a little more special:

1.     Have someone complete the race with you!

 This one has to be done safely – for me, my husband has been biking along for my races, helping me keep a good pace and passing me water. Other times, I have been bringing the dog, Riley out to run with me. Riley loves it when he gets to trot along with me for a run.

 2.     Have a photo op setup for the finish line

When I completed the Wonder Woman 10k, I pulled out some chalk I purchased earlier this year and had fun making a backdrop on our driveway! It was a good way to cool down post race, and I loved the photos that I got.

3.     Save the swag I earn for after I have completed my mileage

When I get a package in the mail with race swag, it is hard for me to not immediately start using my new goodies – and for this reason I like to save them for AFTER the race – that way I have something to look forward to earning.

4.     Enjoy a sweet treat after my run

This one is pretty self-explanatory – usually I go for an Italian ice or a big cookie!

5.     Share a photo on the next #MedalMonday!

You never know when your virtual race photo could inspire someone else to take on their own challenge, and for that reason I love sharing my photos with the running community and seeing all of the posts that people share of their medals and accomplishments each Monday. It is an inspiring way to start the week. 

There are lots of virtual races to choose from, but two of the races I have registered for are the Wonder Woman 10k and the Scooby Doo 10k! There are so many runners participating in these races on social media, and it has been fun to see everyone’s take on their virtual mileage!

My favorite swag from the Wonder Woman race is the ¼ zip – it is comfy and high quality, and I am sure it will become a staple in my winter running wardrobe. I was so excited to get to wear it when I finally completed my 10k.

For the Scooby Doo Run, there was so much gear to pick from, but my favorite is actually not for me – it is for Riley! Don’t get me wrong, the pullover that I will earn upon completing my miles is sweet, but they included the cutest little collar for him, complete with his own medal! If you are a dog lover or have one in your life, you need to check out this bling!

What virtual races are you taking on in 2020? Up next for me is the RunDisney Wine and Dine vacirtual two course challenge!


The Year Races Went Virtual: The 2020 Run for the Zoo

Disclaimer: I received an entry to the Virtual Lincoln Park Run for the Zoo as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Well, after a great amount of consideration, I decided that my favorite thing about virtual races is that I can wake up at whatever time I want to, and get out to run! It is going to be a bit of a shell shock to my system when I have to start rolling out of bed in the wee hours of the morning again to get my miles in. Of course, I also like that I can still help to support organizations like the Lincoln Park Zoo from home - the virtual Run for the Zoo supported them in Chicago, and even though I ran in New York, my miles helped to support them and the animals that they take care of.

I completed my virtual race on July 7, the date that the Race for the Zoo would have taken place, had it not gone virtual. If I had been able to attend the race in Chicago, I would have gotten to see some animals along the way, so in the spirit of that, I decided to bring Riley along for the beginning of my run, to have a bit of puppy companionship.

The temps were going to climb into the 80s in NY on “race day",” so I decided to head out in the morning before things got too heated. I geared up with my BibRave tank and Hat, plus some sunscreen and a pair of Knockarounds to keep the sun out of my eyes. I pulled on some headphones and queued up a podcast, and once Riley had his running leash on we headed out for some humid miles.

We kept things local, doing loops of the blocks around our house. Riley alerted me any time he spotted another animal, from other doggos also out on walks, to birds and the occasional bunny – each time he spotted one he pulled me forward, begging to run faster than I was planning to. As we approached mile 2 he started slowing down, tongue out as we trotted along. I returned him to the house so his fluffy self would not overheat, and he headed right to his water bowl as I headed back out to finish my 10k.

It was a bit of a struggle for me, but I kept shuffling along, one foot in front of the other. The sun was rising higher into the sky, and I was checking in with my watch to see how many miles I had ahead of me still as I continued onward. I eventually was able to settle into my pace again, and keep making my way towards my “finish line.”

I got close to home around mile 5, and re-directed my route so I could get to 6.2 without having to loop back and fourth too much, and somehow the last mile seemed to slip away, even though I had been struggling leading up to it – my breathing had just not been cooperating, and I was glad when my watch finally ticked over to 6 miles, and then I counted the houses as I finally got to 6.2, and my personal race finish.

The miles may not have come easy this time, but I still got them done, and earned my “Run for the Zoo” race shirt, which features and ostrich!

If the Chicago marathon goes on as planned this year, I am hoping to make a trip to the Lincoln park zoo, so that I can check it out in person!

What Virtual races are you planning to complete this summer? The next one for me? The DC wonder woman virtual 10k!


