2020 Dopey Challenge: 7 Days to Dopey

The end of 2019 was a blur, with the week between Christmas and New Years somehow squishing together so tightly that it just felt like one deep breath, flown by like a blur.

After spending Christmas with my family, I headed back to work on the 26th, Bah Humbug. I was officially in the taper zone, so my mileage was decreasing rapidly as race day grew closer. After my Christmas Eve 20-miler, I only needed to get in two more runs that week, an easy 4 miles and a long run of 12 miles on the weekend.

I sadly headed back to work the day after Christmas, and it was a quiet day at the office, as most of my co-workers took the whole week off. I packed my gym bag before work and headed for the treadmill when I was finished for the day to get my miles in. I snagged a treadmill and started moving. The air was felt stagnant at the gym, and it was hot! Of course I had forgotten my water bottle, and my phone refused to stream Netflix, but it was fine. Everything was fine. It was only four miles, four very sweaty miles, and they got done quickly enough. After the gym I dipped into the craft store and bought some supplies to make Dopey costumes! I put a little bit of work in that night, and successfully completed a few masks.

I had a lot of thoughts about cross training, or going to a yoga class this week, but honestly, it just didn’t happen. I enjoyed the low mileage that was scheduled, and just took it easy around the holidays. The next time I headed out for a run was on Saturday, accompanied by Mike and Carson. We let ourselves sleep in a bit, and planned to meet up around 11 am. The three of us headed to the Massapequa preserve, and got on the road together. We headed into the woods and did a three mile loop that took us by lots of doggie friends, and then looped by the car to grab some water. The original plan was just to keep repeating the loop, but Carson needed to pee, so we headed towards the park bathrooms, which were about four miles north on the trail. So off we went, our loop plan turning into an out and back.

The preserve is a little but hilly, and as the miles crept us on us we made a group decision to switch to run/walk intervals. We were much happier campers with this change, and shortly after reached the restrooms. We were a little concerned that the bathrooms would be locked for the season, but thankfully one was open. After business was attended to, Carson took a quick swing break on the near by playground, while Mike and I did a quick loop on the parking lot. The weather was super nice for December, and I was very happy as we entered mile 11 of the run, knowing that the end was in sight as we approached mile 12 - and then Carson threw down the gauntlet and said “We should just run a half today!”

I sighed. I was tired. I half fought Mike and Carson, but they won the battle, and we adjusted our goal to 13.1 miles - our out and back had been a little longer than expected anyway, so we only had to go about a half mile beyond the car, before turning around and entering the true final stretch at last!

It was a sense of accomplishment when we got to the car, and I was relieved that the miles were behind us. When I got home i treated myself to a nice big pasta dinner, and hit up the craft store for more costume supplies. I have a lot of costume work ahead of me in the next week, but my glue gun and I are ready!

On new years eve my Dad and I have a tradition, we head into manhattan, head to a few stores, and then grab lunch before heading home. When I woke up on New Years Eve I almost forgot this was the plan, and found myself scrambling to get ready so I would make the train on time. Of course, as I headed out the door I called Dad and he told me the plan had changed - we were driving. That gave me a little time to dry my hair at least. Once we got into manhattan we wandered around, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, visiting a few historical sites, stopping by a yarn store, and eventually getting lunch at Fraunces Tavern. After a busy day of exploring the city we headed home, and I decided to try to get a few miles in before heading over to Mike’s house to celebrate the new years. I geared up, got outside, stretched, and started moving - I got to the end of the block, and an awful side stitch hit. I took a minute to stop and try to breathe through it. I wanted to run about four miles, but the run just kept going like that - run a few houses, get an awful side stitch, have to walk. It sucked. So instead of four miles, I threw in the towel after a mile. It was a sucky last run of the year, but if I have learned one thing in 2019, it is that there is always a better run ahead of me.

To close out the year, Den and I headed over to Mike and Jude’s house, where we watched the fan fare around the ball drop in NYC, ate lots of yummy food, and enjoyed hanging out with a bunch of friends to ring in 2020.

As sad as I am that the holidays are behind us, I am so excited for marathon weekend to be here!