Another State in the Quest for 50: Delaware

Disclaimer: I received an entry to the 2020 Delaware Half Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

UPDATE: As of March 17, 2020, the race announced, like so many others, that it will be post-phoning to a later date in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. I will share the new date when it is available.

The racing scene has become scarce as the thread to Covid-19 looms over all of us and our social gatherings, I am trying to hold out hope that some of our spring races will be left untouched, goals sitting on the calender, waiting to be raced. Right now I have two half’s left on my schedule, yet to be cancelled, and hopefully still happening - and one of which would bring me to a new state, and add a state to my long term goal of 50: The Delaware Half Marathon.

The Delaware Half has been on my radar for a few years now, as it is part of the “Big Freakin Deal” race challenge, where you run a race at the Delaware marathon weekend, the Frederick running festival, and the Baltimore running festival, and get some pretty sweet swag to celebrate the accomplishment.

The Delaware Marathon Running Festival offers multiple race distances, a 5k, a Half marathon, a marathon relay, and a full marathon. Runners can pick up their bib at the expo the day before the race, on Saturday, April 25 2020. The race takes place in Wilmington, DE and from what I have heard, it is going to be a hilly course! The medals and shirts have been released for the event, and the medal has a unique feature - a challenge coin that you can remove and share with someone that inspires you to get moving!

Keep an eye on the blog, as I will be sharing more about the swag you can earn soon - and until then, I will be here hoping that the show will still go on!

If you are interested in joining me on race day, the coupon code “DELAWARERAVE20” will save you 10%
