2020 Dopey Challenge: The Final Countdown


Guys, I am so excited - the time of the 2020 Dopey challenge is finally upon us, and the first week of the year was the last week of training…. and packing.

I started the year off slow, sleeping in a little after a late night. I texted Dad when I woke up, and he agreed to bike along as I ran, even though it was a chilly, windy morning - the real feel was 24 degrees. I layered up and drove over to my parent’s house, and Dad and I headed out. We chatted as we looped around the neighborhood, and soon I needed to switch from a jacket to a vest. We wound up totaling a little more than four miles, and at the end of the run I did something that I usually neglect - a cool down stretch. Something I really need to be more on top of, and I figured that I may as well use the new year as an excuse to be more on top of it.

On the second I headed back to work, and was so busy that the days flew by. On Thursday I was planning to head to the gym after work, even through I was dreading the new years crowds, but my husband’s family made dinner plans, since it was my sister-in-laws last day in New York. Since she is only here for a few weeks of the year, I headed to dinner with everyone, and just snuck in a short body weight strength session before bed.

Friday night I was so exhausted that I was hardly functioning when I got home from work. I felt a little better after dinner, but still didn’t have energy for much. So I organized some clothing and headed to bed early, since I had a race the next morning.

My body decided to wake up before my alarm, and I rolled out of bed around 5:30. I got dressed, and grabbed the race bag that I had packed the night before. The race was the first New York Road Runners event of the year - the Joe Kleinerman 10k, and I was heading into the city with a few friends from the Merrick Bicycles Tri Team to run it. It was rainy outside, but it was more misty than pouring, so I was hopeful that it would stop before we got to central park. I drove to Sami’s house, then met up with her, Tailia, and James, and Sami drove us the rest of the way to the park. Tailia had picked up everyone’s bib earlier in the week, so we just had to drop our bags and hit the porter potties before starting time. This year the NYRR re-did their corral assignments, with each runner being assigned a corral based off their best time in the last 12 months. For me, that meant getting moved back from corral E to F, since my best pace was from 2017 - but it gives me something to work towards this year!


We all loaded into the corrals, as we waited for the race to start. As a result of the rain, I put on way too many layers, that I would wind up shedding throughout the course. I didn’t really have any goals for the race, so I figured I would just see if I could keep up with some of my team mates. When the race started, the course took up us the worst hill in central park: Harlem hill. It is not only steep, but it winds up for so long that it feels like there was no life before the hill before you see the top of it. Once I made it through that hill, the work was not done - after all, the race was a 10k, and that was only the first mile.

I was glad I wore capris with pockets, and stuffed my gloves and headband into a pocket. From harlem hill I headed to the three sisters, and rolled through each one of them. We went all the way from the north end of the park to the south end, running the whole outer loop. The course was packed, and eventually I lost sight of my friends. When mile three rang in at a sub-9-minute mile, I questioned what I was doing - yes, the challenge of this pace felt GOOD. But I also hadn’t run paces this fast since before my injury in August, and I felt like I may be doing something stupid, with marathon weekend less than a week away. So I backed off the pace a bit, and focused on the run one mile at a time. Once we were headed north again we hit Cat hill, and then it wasn’t too far to the finish line. I had indeed lost layers as I ran, and was in the tank top that I had worn as my base layer by the time I crossed the finish line. I spotted Katie and Tailia on the side of the finish, and Sami and James came in right after me - looks like we had been within moments of each other throughout.

I found Carson after the race, and she took a walk back to the car with me. We all headed home, and Sami, Tailia, James and I had breakfast together, chatting and talking about our 2020 goals, and what races we wanted to run in the coming season. I headed home after and worked on marathon weekend costumes for a little bit, and then eventually headed into the city for a second time that day - Jennie had gotten us tickets to see Frozen on broadway, so we made a while girls night out of it, and got dinner in the cities before. It was a great night, and we had so much fun.

Sunday was a sleep in day for sure - the perks of tapering. Once I was up I got started on the day’s projects - packing and costumes. I had a lot of work to do, including finishing sewing three skirts. I had a lot of work to get done, and a long say of sewing ahead of me. Overall the crafting went smoothly, other than the skirt I made for my marathon costume - the material I picked was too silky, and when I tried it on with my running shorts it was super clingy. So off to the craft store I went, with Mom’s company, and I picked out a new material (and bonus, it was on sale!).

By the end of the day I had finished a mask, a headband featuring a tiny hat, three skirts, and two shirts. Phew! The line up for the weekend?

For the 5k Mike, Jude and I will be running as Buzz, Woody, and Zurg.

For the 10K the three of us will be going as Lock, Shock and Barrel, aka “Oogie’s boys” from nightmare before christmas.

For the half, Mike and I will be running as the Mad Hatter and Alice.

Finally, for the full, the last leg of Dopey, Mike and I will be running as Dopey and Snow white.

I am a little nervous about the heat for the full, so I have a raw threads snow white tank top, incase it it just too warm for a shirt that has a cape attached.

With all the costumes ready, I just had to get the rest of my supplies packed up, which I took care of on Monday night. My checked bag was very on-brand for me, and weighted in at 49 lbs, juuuust under the 50 lb limit. Once I was all packed, I just had to wait one more day before heading to Florida.